If you are looking for our sponsorship information and are interested in becoming a sponsor than you’re in the right place. The Stanislaus County Fair is in the forefront of traditional marketing and cutting edge social media campaigns. The Fair also has a major advertising and publicity presence on radio, print, online, and television. With an average of 200 media representatives on the fairgrounds during the 10-day run, major exposure and publicity of the Fair is guaranteed.

In 2018,

  • Over 270,000 guests visited the Stanislaus County Fair

  • 289,347 visits on with over 115,000 visits in July alone

  • Over 1.2 million page views on annually

  • Pre-fair and fair-time articles ran in 60+ print and online publications. Plus, radio promotions and live broadcasting appeared on all major stations.

  • The Fair’s social media increased tremendously with over 70,000 followers on Facebook, Twitter, text, and e-mail database.

How to become a Sponsor!

For information on how to be a sponsor at one of the largest events in Stanislaus County, contact Our Sponsorship coordinator at
(209) 668-1333 Ext. 339

Inquire Online!