Mission Statement

Friends of the fair is a non-profit organization, our primary goal is to enhance opportunities at the fairgrounds for the community, agriculture, education, and our youth.

Importance of the foundation

The state of California has eliminated all funding for county fairs throughout the state. New revenue sources for operations and facilities are crucial. Memberships are now available for sponsors to become a part of Friends of the Fair foundation at a corporate and individual level. Involvement in this foundation will provide members with benefits and elevate opportunities for the community. Donations have made positive impacts throughout the years that include improving facility infrastructures, updating show rings, installing modern fans to reduce heat for livestock, and contributing to the necessities of The Stanislaus County Fair.


Please contact the Jordan Brizendine

Phone: (209) 668-1333

Ext: 303

Email: [email protected]

Friends of the Fair
Friendship Benefits

Support the
Exhibits Pavilion
for the
Stanislaus County
Fair Foundation


Contact our Membership and Fundraising Coordinator

How to support the Friends of the Fair Organization?

Fundraising Programs

Support Friends of the Stanislaus County Fair Foundation ​

Matching Gift Program

Does your employer match charitable giving 501C3? You can become a Friends of the Fair Member Today! Donate and make your dollar go further by contributing to the future of the Stanislaus County Fair.

Employee Matching Donation Program

Friends of the fair is a non-profit organization, our primary goal is to enhance opportunities at the fairgrounds for the community, agriculture, education, and our youth.

….On behalf of the Stanislaus State Agriculture and the Friends of the Stanislaus County Fair Foundation thank you for your generosity and support at the 2022 18th Annual Tastes of the Valley event. With over 400 in attendance and 40+ Exhibitors offering some of their best wines, beer, and food from around the region, the night was set for an enjoyable evening. The Live and Silent Auction, a crowd favorite, filled with 100+ amazing items helped us raise $18,000! We thank you to all donors for making this possible.

2023 is sure to be another successful year with your continued support! Sponsorship opportunities available on the Taste of the Valley page.